Monday, August 18, 2014

Goodnight Blog

Goodnight moon.
Goodnight chair.
Goodnight laptop glowing bright.

Goodnight red-eyed Netflix binging.
Goodnight Facebook status posting.
Goodnight Twitter witty tweeting.
Goodnight tumblr feed reblogging.

Goodnight vodka almost gone.
Goodnight robots who read my blog.

Goodnight click bait.
Goodnight air.
Goodnight users everywhere.


Boobs in Space

Someone gave me their HBO GO Code. 

Needless to say, after burning through Game of Thrones and binging True Detectives, I decided to check out the After Dark section. 

I quickly settled on "Intergalactic Swingers" in which a couple of lesbian "aliens" (two perfectly normal-looking human women wearing shiny dresses and metallic gogo boots) have to team up with a couple of [Hooters?] waitresses to stop an asteroid from colliding with the earth.

Not Real Aliens
"I repeat, no signs of intelligent life."
My first disappointment was that they didn't go with the title "Deeper Impact" which is far more evocative of the plot; especially since there isn't actually any intergalactic travel, which was my second disappointment. 

Thirdly, the sex scenes are hilarious, almost as silly as the acting. Apparently HBO likes to keep things PG13 in case a 13-year-old is tuning in after his parents go to sleep. Since they don't show any genetalia, it's kind of like watching someone smash two Barbie dolls together ala Robot Chicken. 

One of the alien women has a rainbow-colored dragon tattoo. I found myself wondering if it was the actress' real ink because it reminded me of a Lisa Frank sticker book. Or maybe it's supposed to be a part of the alien's backstory? Maybe they have rainbow-colored dragons on whatever planet they swing from?

Perhaps weirdest of all is the soundtrack. Part jazz, part xylophone ambience, part techno dance; it seems to me that the sound designer sat down at his keyboard and just decided to push all the buttons. Are those whale songs over a jammin' Yanni solo? Yes, I'm pretty sure that's exactly what it is.

Summing up, if you are looking for metallic clothing, big boobs, PG13 steam, and intergalactic travel... stick with Barbarella

Zero Stars


Saturday, August 16, 2014


"I fought a bear single handed
Won a staring competition with a gargoyle
Scaled Mount Olympus without a spacesuit
And lapped Usain Bolt in a 100 meter race
I am more selfless than Mother Theresa
More inspiring than MLK
More deadly than a poison dart frog
And more powerful than the oceans' tides
I have given birth a hundred times
I am sexier than Helen of Troy
I'm holier than Jesus, Muhammad, and Buddha
Stronger than Hercules
A better detective than Sherlock Holmes
Richer and wiser than Solomon
And more mysterious than a giant squid

In short, I am the fucking greatest"

- Every Rapper Ever


Friday, August 15, 2014

The Porn

When I knew my wife was asleep, I logged into the cam site and checked the top rooms list. I could feel the rush of forbidden pleasure wash over my brain and tingle down my spine. 

I scrolled through the chat rooms one at a time. I looked for a girl who wasn't wearing too many clothes, but who wasn't completely naked either. After all, what fun is there in watching a woman who is so completely calloused to the potential sensuality of the situation that she puts on a routine dog and pony show for a bunch of equally desensitized masturbators? 

No, I was after the tease - the wait - the thrill of inevitable pleasure held off until the right moment. I wanted it to feel naughty, to feel like I had worked for it. To pretend that I was slowly turning her on. Never mind that it was the ring of the tokens rolling in that truly motivated her state of undress. 

You don't think about the 163 other men in the chat room with you, slowly stroking their stalks and tossing in their gold coins. That would be gross. In fact, if you have about $50 you can get a pretty good private show wherein the girl of your choice will play along with the farce; loudly climaxing on camera for your headphones only. She'll even call out your name. 

Sure, pre-recorded porn is free and more easily accessible. However, there's no personal connection to the scream queens in those pirated or armature videos. 

With cam girls, the action is all happening in real time. The thrill comes from knowing that you are both touching yourselves on the same planet at the same time, both staring deeply into the same digital sea. 

We ride the crests of zeros and ones together to climax. I say thank you and log off for the night, clearing my browser history and throwing away the paper towels. Then, I crawl in bed next to my wife's sleeping form so I can snuggle out the sudden rush of oxytocin as I fall asleep. 


They say there are too many hypocrites in the world. 

Most people who are two-faced think the solution to being less of a liar is to become a better person, to sin less, to try harder; but this inevitably leads to failure and disappointment. You're still a liar, even if you are truly striving for piety while you wear your mask of righteousness. 

No, the real solution for dealing with hypocrisy is to be completely and brutally honest.

Porn is a thing. 

In America, nearly 65% of all men watch pornography at least once a month, and almost 35% of American males think that watching pronography is morally acceptable. 

So why hide your secret sins behind locked doors and laptop screens? Why not be honest about who you are, and admit that you are doing the best you can? 

They say admitting you have a problem is the first step toward recovery. 

Well, for better or worse, here goes nothing....

I really enjoy watching porn. 

It relieves my stress without having to abuse a toxic substance. It helps me fall asleep when my brain is running a hundred miles an hour and sounding like a giant state fair. Masturbating helps me last longer with my wife, and means that I can go longer between lovemaking sessions, which is good because we both lead very busy lives. 

They say you can't learn how to have better sex from watching porn, but my cunilingus skills prove otherwise. 

And yes, my wife knows about my solo sexual escapades. We don't keep secrets from eachother, not even dirty ones. Furthermore, because of my honesty, she knows she can trust me on the deepest level. She knows my flaws and helps make me a better person. 

I'm not going to bring up sex trafficking, or the negative effects of a really harmful porn addiction, or the objectification of women. That's not what this post is about. 

This is about me being honest with you, dear reader, by pulling back the mask of my propriety and being super real about who I am. This is about battling hypocrisy with the truth. 

I am brave enough to admit my defeats and shortcomings. 

Are you?


Post Script: If you would like to discuss anything further, please chat me up. I would love to hear your thoughts. 


The Thresher

I made a machine and stepped inside. 

It looked just like an ordinary box, but from the inside I could see two worlds clearly layed out. These two realities switched in and out, cutting together with my rapid eye movements like wheat through a thresher. 

In one, I existed as I did before entering the box, my life plodding on in the more or less linear form to which we are all accustomed. Familiar faces, places, and experiences swirling in the mix. 

In the other I ceased to be - this reality too was linear, but void of my self completely. Loved ones loved others, children born of a different father, a wife with a different husband... and everything seemed fine. 

I couldn't choose. The question inside that metal closterphobia chamber was the same one on Hamlets lips: "To be or not to be." 

In the end, I chose neither and stayed, dead and alive, inside that box forever. 


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Growing Pains

That was a heavy night. 

I started it by staring into the blank, robin's-egg-blue void of the sky; feeling that familiar sensation of drowning. I knew that if I let myself go I would fall into that blank, blue-grey abyss... flying, flying into nothingness. 

I watched a rabbit eat blades of grass then flee into the woods. 

I drove through the dark to my grandmother's house and told her that her brother-in-law is dying. I gave her a hug and drove back home through the same dark. 

I poured a half-glass of booze and read up on suicide. I made it very clear on my social media soapboxes where I stood. I proceeded to publicly chastise those who disagreed. 

I talked to my mom for an hour about sex and shame, guilt and redemption. Her phone died while we were still saying our goodbyes. 

I talked to my wife about pregnancy, about our daughter's loneliness, about wanting to run away to Chicago and start a new life. 

I took a painful shit and felt my eyes grow weary and dry. Then I finished my drink, pounded this diatribe out on my tablet and went to bed. 

Tomorrow is another day. Maybe stuff won't be so real in the morning. I do tend to go through heavy phases. 

Even when I was a kid I would grow out before growing taller. I hope that's what this is, the weight gain before the growth spurt. 

I hope I get really emotionally tall in the coming weeks.

Remember I love you,


Saturday, August 9, 2014

A First Sex Talk for Loving Parents

Remember that sex is a natural, fun, beautiful, and intimate activity.
It is not shameful, dirty, or wrong. 

If you ever have any questions, or are confused or worried about anything, know that we will never condemn you. We love you and want you to be safe, healthy, and whole. If for any reason you aren't comfortable coming to us, please talk with another adult that you trust, either a doctor, a teacher, or another relative that you know very well. 

Sex is an adult activity, meaning that you shouldn't take it lightly. While sex with the right person at the right time can be a wonderful thing; if you are not ready or the person you are with is not being considerate, you can get hurt both emotionally and physically. 

Sex should be with someone you can trust and who cares about you more than themselves. 

Do not have sex with someone who has a disease unless you are fully prepared to live with all of the consequences. If you are not sure if someone is clean, don't be afraid to ask. Both of you are fully responsible for staying physically healthy. If you're not sure that they are telling you the truth, then you have every right to walk away. Don't compromise your safety because you feel pressured, embarrassed or ashamed. 

Sex between a man and woman can make a baby. Unless you are ready to be a parent, never have sex without proper contraceptives. Don't assume you know how it works, consult a health professional and always read all of the instructions before use. 

Remember, most contraceptives do not protect against infections, and none are 100% effective at preventing pregnancy. 

Both people should always communicate their needs, concerns, and desires. Sex can be tricky and uncomfortable, especially when you are learning. Take your time, and never let anyone pressure you into doing something that makes you uncomfortable. 

It is NEVER too late to say no. 

You are the one in charge of safeguarding your whole self: body, mind, and heart. 

Being with the right person makes sex a safe place for both of you to learn and explore. Sex is always better when your partner cares about your well being. This is the best way for both of you to be healthy and happy.

Remember that we love you very much and will always try to do what's best for you. Please remember that we want you to be happy, healthy, and whole. If you ever have any questions or concerns we hope you will feel comfortable talking to us. 

We promise to never shame you, no matter what happens, because you are so special to us. 

So, do you have any questions now? 

If not, that's okay. We'll can talk more about specifics as you continue to grow. 


A First Sex Talk for Loving Christian Parents

Remember that sex is a natural, fun, beautiful, and intimate activity.
It is not shameful, dirty, or wrong. 

If you ever have any questions, or are confused or worried about anything, know that we will never condemn you. We love you and want you to be safe, healthy, and whole. If for any reason you aren't comfortable coming to us, please talk with another adult that you trust, either a doctor, a teacher, or another relative that you know very well. 

Sex is an adult activity, meaning that you shouldn't take it lightly. While sex with the right person at the right time can be a wonderful thing; if you are not ready or the person you are with is not being considerate, you can get hurt both emotionally and physically. 

Sex should be with someone you can trust and who cares about you more than themselves. 

Do not have sex with someone who has a disease unless you are fully prepared to live with all of the consequences. If you are not sure if someone is clean, don't be afraid to ask. Both of you are fully responsible for staying physically healthy. If you're not sure that they are telling you the truth, then you have every right to walk away. Don't compromise your safety because you feel pressured, embarrassed or ashamed. 

Sex between a man and woman can make a baby. Unless you are ready to be a parent, never have sex without proper contraceptives. Don't assume you know how it works, consult a health professional and always read all of the instructions before use. 

Remember, most contraceptives do not protect against infections, and none are 100% effective at preventing pregnancy. 

Both people should always communicate their needs, concerns, and desires. Sex can be tricky and uncomfortable, especially when you are learning. Take your time, and never let anyone pressure you into doing something that makes you uncomfortable. 

It is NEVER too late to say no. 

You are the one in charge of safeguarding your whole self: body, mind, and heart. 

Because of our faith, we believe that sex should always be between a loving married couple. The Bible teaches us that this is the best way for both of you to be healthy and happy. Being married to the right person makes sex a safe place for both of you to learn and explore. Sex is always better when your partner cares about your well being. 

Remember that we love you very much and will always try to do what's best for you. Please remember that we want you to be happy, healthy, and whole. If you ever have any questions or concerns we hope you will feel comfortable talking to us. 

We promise to never shame you, no matter what happens, because you are so special to us. 

So, do you have any questions now? 

If not, that's okay. We'll can talk more about specifics as you continue to grow. 
