Saturday, September 27, 2014

Holocene Weekend

I'm supposed to do laundry
And check my email
Instead, I want to fall asleep 
And wake up in five years
Checking in on the differences time makes

Change happens slowly
A machine run by gravity alone
Despite our blur of activity
Only earth's rotation makes us different
A race of Rip Van Winkles

They're supposed to be stories
Our independent lives
Made up of conflicts and desires
A narrative of growth and learning

We spend two thirds of it asleep
And the other third in transit



A complete lack of motivation
On my whole person
Like heavy rocks tying me down


Indoor Creatures

We evolved to be indoor creatures
Allergies, mosquitoes, and sunlight kept us inside
Where we could struggle under the weight of nine to five for many years
Until we earned the right to stand under the sky in our soft and wrinkled old age
