Sunday, April 21, 2013

For Sarah, An Introduction, 'Project 157'

She said to write a story about overcoming fear and loving extravagantly.

My thoughts had been muddy for days, jumbled story ideas and tangled plot lines. I knew something would come, it always did.

A few days later, church was getting out. There was an small, older man with funny clothes and a cain. He was sitting in a crowd of people, but they didn’t see him.

He had tears in his eyes.

I was going to let myself off the hook. Somebody more spiritual than me would talk to him. I wouldn’t have to leave my comfort zone. He looked weird anyway. He probably didn’t want to be bugged. And, I was afraid.

That’s when it hit me.


The chance to demonstrate love.

The story was happening to me, right here in real life. It was so simple.

I walked directly up to him and extended my hand. “Hello.” I said, “my name is Gabriel.”


Saturday, April 20, 2013

For Klementine, Roger and the Red-Haired Girl, 'Project 157'

Stumblingly, he chased her into the street -as the yellow car drove his heart into the swirling mists.

Nothing much had gone Roger’s way. He’d always been a little asymmetrical. He wasn't good at any subjects, but he wasn't good at sports either. He graduated average from his primaries, and become a grocer.

That's where he first saw her; copper hair falling in curls around her freckled face. He knew right then. He switched off his lane light and insisted on carrying out her groceries. She smiled at his clumsiness and blushing. A few weeks later, they were having coffee. Soon, they were sharing an apartment and curling up on the couch to watch TV. She was his whole world, and he would do anything for her.

A year and a handful of fights later, and she was packing to leave. He had begged her to stay. Through bloodshot eyes, he watched her climb into a taxicab.
