Friday, June 15, 2012

Heart Strings

They were an item. She was his girl, and he knew that their hearts were linked forever. He didn't feel that he owned her, of course it wasn't proprietary, she was as much her own person as he was his. But to any outsiders, the relationship must have seemed ludicrous. They were never apart. She was his new religion his love for her came so close to worship that once he prayed to God that he wouldn't be judged harshly for his idolatry. He loved the smell of her hair, the texture and color and the way it felt on his face. He loved her eyes, they never ceased to amaze him. They would go from blue to gold to green with wonderful flecks of brilliant light. Most nights they would stay out as late as they could get away with, then fall asleep at opposite ends of the phone line. He knew she was the one. When he held her hand, it was like having his lungs deflated by the vacuum of space. His heart beat so loudly it hurt.

They were both virgins.

No one believed them, after all, they were often caught making out in various places around town. If they were that comfortable with each other in public, they must have been pushing it together when they were on their own, right? No. That's not to say that they didn't have moments of weakness late at night, they probably shouldn't have spent so much time alone. But they remained unconsummated until their wedding night. They felt they owed it to each other, that they owed it to God. They didn't even mind so much when people assumed the worst. They knew the truth.

Her mom thought that they wanted to get married so quickly so that they could get it on as much as they wanted, and he knew that she probably wasn't the only one who felt that way. But she was wrong. He wanted to marry her because when they were apart his heart felt like a rope being stretched to the breaking point. His eyes burned with tears and his stomach clenched. All he wanted to do was fall asleep with her in his arms. She was everything to him.

He was shaking when he asked her to marry him,in the backseat of his honda accord under the stars. Later, he would re-propose with a ring after the traditional way. But that first time was when his heart spoke through his lips and asked her to be his forever. He couldn't stop his voice from cracking like a thirteen year old boy. His palms were thick with sweat. He knew she was probably going to say yes, but there was always that small dark corner in the back of his mind where he had doubts. She said yeah, and smiled.

The most beautiful thing he ever saw in his life was her coming down the aisle. She made angels look like homeless people. He wanted to sweep her off of her feet right there. The ceremony was a blur because it took too long. Now, he wishes they could get married again every day.

Seventeen months later, their daughter was born. She was the second most beautiful thing that he had ever seen. Yet, he stayed with his wife in the recovery room to make sure that she was safe. He would die if she left him.

Now, they both work and she goes to school. Their daughter gets juggled from one babysitter to the next. Most days are pretty crazy  Some days, it's not happily ever after.

But when she falls asleep in his arms every night, he is the happiest man alive.


Heart Strings
Gabriel White, 06/16/12, 12am

P.S. I don't plan on re-posting things on this blog very often, I kind of feel like it's cheating, like turning in an already completed high school project for a college assignment. However, I really liked this, so even though I already posted it on the inkWell blog, I wanted everyone to get a chance to read it.


Saturday, June 9, 2012

Coming Soon

Prometheus, My New Favorite Film and Why
The Art of Design: Should form follow function or vice versa?

I hope to write this up over the weekend... so hold your breath.

Friday, June 8, 2012

A Word about Apple

Lately, I have had an on-again, off-again relationship with Apple.
I've had complaints about their products, their customer care, and their account management.
This being said: when I walk through my door; gently toss my IPod Touch on the couch, and, (without touching it,) hear that little ping that I have a push notification… it's magic.
You see, I love Apple products. I truly believe that they are, for the most part, creatively designed and beautifully executed bits of technological genius.
What that little ping means to me is that my IPod, (affectionately named "Cas",) has found my home network, logged me in, searched all of my apps, and notified me of any changes. All in a matter of moments.
Similarly, the touch interface is not only deeply intuitive, but also exceedingly beautiful.
What I find frustrating is that Apple seems to be holding back. Their products are ten years behind what imagine they could be. Their software is still glitchy, their hardware fragile and limited. Their customer service is cold and unyielding, kind of like a friendly chat with Big Brother.
I guess what I'm trying to say is this: I see what could be, and am disappointed with the yawning gap.

I find their products inspiring, but I often feel they are holding back, playing it safe. I feel tired of waiting for their next product, only to find it is exactly what I expected, maybe even a little less. Why not take a step out, flex your imaginations, and stretch the limits of the technology available?

Surprise me.
I dare you.