Sunday, April 21, 2013

For Sarah, An Introduction, 'Project 157'

She said to write a story about overcoming fear and loving extravagantly.

My thoughts had been muddy for days, jumbled story ideas and tangled plot lines. I knew something would come, it always did.

A few days later, church was getting out. There was an small, older man with funny clothes and a cain. He was sitting in a crowd of people, but they didn’t see him.

He had tears in his eyes.

I was going to let myself off the hook. Somebody more spiritual than me would talk to him. I wouldn’t have to leave my comfort zone. He looked weird anyway. He probably didn’t want to be bugged. And, I was afraid.

That’s when it hit me.


The chance to demonstrate love.

The story was happening to me, right here in real life. It was so simple.

I walked directly up to him and extended my hand. “Hello.” I said, “my name is Gabriel.”


1 comment:

  1. Love it. That's amazing. Wow. I just love how this turned out!
